Head of Operations

Head of Operations

Sede: Italian Market

Job brief

We are looking for Head of Operations to oversee the permitting and construction of our commercial and industrial clients’ projects which include rooftop and gorund-mounted photovoltaic installations.


The Head of Operations that will be responsible for the overall management and oversight of the company’s photovoltaic project operations. This individual will provide leadership and direction on all aspects of the photovoltaic project life cycle, from the concept stage, permitting to project completion and system commissioning. The Head of Operations will work with the company’s Project Managers and other project stakeholders to ensure that the photovoltaic projects are completed on time and on budget, while meeting all regulatory and safety requirements.

  • Develop, implement, and monitor operational strategies, policies, and procedures to support photovoltaic projects.
  • Oversee the complete life cycle of photovoltaic projects, including project initiation, design, procurement, construction, commissioning, and maintenance.
  • Work with Project Managers to ensure that the photovoltaic projects are completed on time and on budget.
  • Manage the day-to-day operations of the photovoltaic projects, including resource allocation, budgeting, scheduling, and risk management.
  • Meet with clients to conclude and align the scope of a project and the needed requirements.
  • Collaborate with procurement, engineers and designers to create an accurate budget and timeframe in which the project can be delivered.
  • Be the main point of communication between clients and engineers in determining all the specifics of each site.
  • Ensure each project is completed on within the deadline and the set budget, and meets all local codes and regulations.


  • Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree in engineering (preferred power engineering or construction) as well as any required state licensing
  • Must display a strong working knowledge in operations and construction practices, rounded by experience in project environment. Experience in PV projects is a plus
  • Must be a clear, concise communicator
  • Must be a motivated, hard-working individual who thrives under tight deadlines
  • Must possess a natural leadership and ability to motivate Team
  • Must be able to effectively and efficiently multitask
  • Languages: Native Italian, fluency in English
  • A can-do attitude is essential to the task

What we offer

  • Work in an international environment in the dynamically developing renewable energy industry;
  • Stable employment in the leading Pan-European group in the PV industry with long-term goals on the Italian market;
  • Entrepreneurial and end-product oriented work culture at a fast-growing company that offers more professional advancement opportunities than its peers;
  • Opportunity to join the company at an early stage of development, create and manage own team;
  • Intellectually stimulating team with the graduates from top European and US universities;
  • Attractive remuneration package
Candidati per una posizione - Head of Operations - Italian Market

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    Si prega di aggiungere la seguente clausola:

    „Acconsento al trattamento dei miei dati personali contenuti nella mia offerta di lavoro ai fini del processo di assunzione.”

    „Acconsento al trattamento dei dati personali contenuti nel presente documento per il processo di assunzione in conformità con il regolamento del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio (UE) 2016/679 del 27 aprile 2016 relativo alla protezione delle persone fisiche con riguardo al trattamento dei dati personali, nonché alla libera circolazione di tali dati e che abroga la direttiva 95/46/CE (RODO) . ”

    Quanta Energy S.R.L, Sede di Milano, Via Porlezza, 12 20123, REA – MI-2698835 ,P.IVA / C.F – 13017360960, C. S 10.000,00€